Marshall Brown's brass section for the 1958 Newport International Youth Band
Eight promissing young European trumpet players and trombonists selected.
Hans Koert
In spring 1958 George Wein and Marshall Brown hopscotched Europe conducting auditions on a back-breaking schedule ..... They heard hundreds upon hundreds of musicians, amateur, professional, and every stop in between.(Source: Liner notes Columbia CS 8073). In a series of blogs Ruud Jacobs, Dutch bass player, remembers his debut at Newport. Today Ruud won't speak, but you can learn more about the brass section, Brown selected for his International Youth Band, aka the Babel's Band.
All Newport '58 International Youth Band contributions, as remembered by Dutch bass player Ruud Jacobs at my link site.
Leader, aspirator and spiritual father of the band, Marshall Brown, was a valve trombonist, composer, arranger and educator.
Marshall Brown in Blokker (The Netherlands) ( August 1958) (Source: Rhythme - Maandblad voor Jazz- Dans- en Amusementsmuziek Nº 108 ( 15th of September, 1958))
He had won its spurs as a conductor of high school bands. Born in Framingham Mass, December 1920 he started to play the guitar at nine and switched to the valve trombone at 16. His parents were vaudeville artists: his father was a magician and his mother played the piano in silent movies. While in high school, 1937, he led his first band and during his military services he played and arranged with piano player Bernie Leighton. After the war he became the staff arranger at Adirondacks Summer Hotel and orchestras of East Rockaway High School and Farmingdale High School; with the latter he played in Newport 1957 which was the direct opportunity for the Babel Band’s birth ……. He was, in his days, a respected educator …… labeled in 1957 as the Outstanding educator of the year by Westlake College of Music.
The brass section of the International Youth Band ( source: Columbia CS 8073)
Back in the States, March 1958, Marshall Brown started to build his band and informed the musicians who were selected. Seventeen musicians were notified by cable .....: The trumpet section featured: Palle Bolvig from Denmark, Roger Guerin from France, Dusko Gojkovic from Yugoslavia and José Manuel Magelhaes from Portugal. The trombone section featured: Christian Kellens (Belgium), Kurt Jarnberg (Sweden), Erich Kleinschuster (Austria) and Albert Mangelsdorff (Germany). The reed section featured: Bernt Aake Rosengren (Sweden), Ptaszyn (Jan) Wroblewski (Poland), Hans Salomon (Austria), Wladimiro Bas Zabache (Spain) and Ronald (Ronnie) Ross (England). The rhythm section featured George Gruntz (Switzerland), Rudolph (= Ruud) Jacobs (The Netherlands) and Gilberto (Gil) Cuppini (Italy.). Gabor Szabo ( Hungary), who lived as a refugee in The States was invited later to join the band.
Today I love to introduce you to the member of the brass section of the band and love to describe their experiences in jazz when they were invited in April 1958 for the Newport band:
Palle Bolvig (born Copenhagen - Denmark - November 1932) Trumpet player and composer. He was, in those days, the lead trumpet player in the Ib Glindemann Orchestra. In 1985 he was part of the Miles Davis band that recorded the Aura project. He was part of the Danish Radio Big Band and the Ernie Wilkins Almost Big Band. The picture shows him with the well known Danish bass player Niels-Henning Ørsted Pederson.
Roger Guerin ( source: 100 years of jazz)
- Roger Guerin (born in Sarrebruck (France) (= now Saarbrücken (Germany) – January 1926)) When Roger Guerin was selected for the 1958 International Youth Band he was already active in music for ten years. He started professionally as a trumpet player in 1947 in the Aime Barelli Band followed by engagements with Claude Bolling, Maurice Moufflard, André Hodeir, Django Reinhardt, Claude Luther, Gerard Pochonet, Jacques Dieval, Christian Chevalier and Bobby Jaspar. He joined concerts with US jazz musicians like Dizzy Gillespie, James Moody, Buck Clayton, Jimmy Raney, Don Byas and the France-based clarinet player Sidney Bechet ….. A very active musician … He passed away in Nymes February 2010.

- Dusko Gojkovic (born in Jajce (Yugoslavia) ( = now Bosnia and Herzegovina) October 1931). When Dusko was selected to play trumpet in the International Youth Band he was living in Germany, where he performed in the band of Kurt Edelhagen with vocalists like Catherina Valente and with Chet Baker at the Storyville club in Frankfurt. The picture shows Dusko with Birks ( = Dizzy Gillespie)
The fourth trumpet player selected was the Portuguese José Manuel Magelhaes (born in Lisbon (Portugal) January 1929). When he was selected he played in the trumpet section of the band of the National Radio Station of Portugal and had his own dance band, in which three of his brothers participated.
- Christian Kellens (born in Andenne (Belgium) January 1925). He was a trombone player and a professional jazz musician since the end of World War II. He was active in several Belgium orchestras. Like the bands of Jack Sels and Bobby Jaspar, but also played in the band of Kurt Edelhagen, Jack Dieval and Martial Solal to list some. When he was selected, he played again in Kurt Edelhagen’s Big Band, as a colleague of Dusko Gojkovic. Mid 1960 he moved to Argentina and played in Jorge Anders Orchestra, which recorded a great LP-album with Oscar Aleman (1973). Later he returned to Belgium.
- Kurt Jarnberg, a Swedish trombone player had been active in the Swedish – Danish jazz scene in bands like Lars Gullin’s and Ib Glindemann’s and a few days before he left for Newport he accompanied, as part of an orchestra, the Swedish vocalist Monica Zetterlund; a band which included great names like Benny Bailey, Ake Persson and Arne Domnerus.
Erich Kleinschuster ( source:
- Erich Kleinschuster ( born in Graz (Austria) January 1930) played as a trombonist in the Kleiner Tanzorchester von Radio Graz and became a full professional after his trip to Newport.
Albert Mangelsdorf (right) with Bud Shank and Bob Cooper ( source: 100 years of jazz)
- Albert Mangelsdorff (born in Frankfurt am Main (Germany) September 1928 – passed away Frankfurt am Main (Germany) July 2005) He started early 1950s as a trombonist in the band of Joe Klimm and Hans Koller’s New Jazz Stars and in 1954 he even made his first records under his own name. In March 1957 he toured with his Jazz Sextet, which featured US west coast musicians like Bud Shank and Bob Cooper. He was a very active trombone player when he left for Newport …… He would develop as one of the most important European trombonists in the free style jazz. He passed away in Frankfurt, July 2005.
All Newport '58 International Youth Band contributions, as remembered by Dutch bass player Ruud Jacobs at my link site.
Hans Koert
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In spring 1958 George Wein and Marshall Brown hopscotched Europe conducting auditions on a back-breaking schedule ..... They heard hundreds upon hundreds of musicians, amateur, professional, and every stop in between. In a series of blogs Ruud Jacobs, Dutch bass player, remembers his 1958 debut at Newport. Today Ruud won't speak, but you can learn more about the brass section, Brown selected for his International Youth Band, aka the Babel's Band.
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